Live Well, Die Well: Support Network
We aim to support people with a life limiting disease and their care network to ‘live well and die well’ in their choices to maximize their time and/or death at home. We understand that without adequate support, problems such as social isolation, carer burden, loneliness, depression and other health issues can be a consequence of caring for a dying person at home.

How we can help
Once referred to our home visiting service, a small team of two or three of our volunteers will visit on a negotiated basis. Our skilled volunteers know how to ‘tune in’ to people’s needs and understand that these may change from visit to visit. They are equally comfortable to listen if people feel like talking or to sit in quiet companionship if people prefer to rest. Out volunteers know that some days are better than others, so no matter what people are feeling, they are there for the dying person and their care network. This includes providing ‘respite’ while a carer takes time out to attend an appointment or other event.
It is important to understand that our home visiting volunteers do not provide any medical care or domestic services. Our service coordinator will explain the role of the volunteer when they meet to plan how we can help.
Being able to support families to care for their loved one at home is so important. You can see how much it means to everyone for the person who is dying to be surrounded by their loved ones in their own bed, in their own environment.
Busselton Hospice Care Inc Home Visiting Volunteer
Next Steps – How to get started
To find out more about connecting with our home visiting volunteer service, please contact us.
The GP or palliative care nurse, or other health professional can provide a referral. You can also self refer. When we receive the referral, we will arrange a time to meet and discuss how we can best provide support.

Get in touch
Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:30pm

to remember a loved with with a Virtual Remembrance Balloon