The last 30 years
In 2000, a two bed Hospice Unit was opened at 5 Craig Street, West Busselton to provide in-patient hospice care. This project resulted from 10 years from local fundraising and supplemented by WA Department of Health.
For fifteen years, in-patient care and community palliative care nursing was delivered in a partnership between the Silver Chain Nursing Service, WA Country Health Services and Busselton Hospice Care Inc.
Busselton Hospice Care Inc. has traditionally relied on funding from the local community. These funds have supported the employment of palliative care nursing staff to provide care in the Hospice and in the community and management of the Hospice volunteer program.
In 2015, the Busselton Health Campus was opened by the WA Country Health Service, and a 4 bed Hospice Unit was incorporated into the campus. Busselton Hospice Care Inc continues to manage the Volunteer program for this unit.
In 2016, Busselton Hospice Care Inc refurbished the previous Hospice Unit and renamed it The Geographe Bay Centre, Centre for Excellence in Palliative Care continuing our commitment to volunteer outreach programs to support end of life care in our community.
Going Forward
Busselton Hospice Care Inc. is working with the state and country health services, industry health providers, and philanthropic foundations to develop ongoing funding streams that will support the sustainability of palliative care volunteer models in the future. Busselton Hospice Care Inc. continues to advocate for a blended funding system involving a combination of government and community funding as a viable and robust approach to achieving world-class palliative care.
This philosophy is embedded in all our programs and the presence of volunteers is a direct expression of our community’s concern in ensuring individuals and their families remain connected and a part of their community.
Founded in 1989, Busselton Hospice Care Inc. operates with a team of professional staff and is governed by a voluntary board of management.
Board members are elected at our annual general meeting and come from a range of backgrounds, both volunteering and professional.
We are principally funded by community donations and fundraising and partner closely with the Busselton Health Campus and the Western Australian Health Department South West Coastal Palliative Care Service and other community service providers. We are delighted to have recently received two, one-year government grants and are working to secure ongoing government grant funding in the future.
Our Vision
Supporting life lived well, dying, death and bereavement
Our Mission
Everyone matters. No one needs to die or grieve alone
Annual Reports
Our recent Annual Reports are available on this website, in the Resources menu.

Get in touch
Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:30pm

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